Saturday, July 25, 2009


I've got much to say, so I might as well get down to it.

First of all - let me tell you a little bit about the past few hours.

So, not much is going on here in Cambridge, it's the last Saturday of our week off, and some people are still gone, others sleeping for as long as possible, still others punting. I decided to go see a movie. I just saw Moon, with Sam Rockwell, and at around the middle of the film I had this terrible feeling that I was very suddenly and unexpectedly going to die and go to hell.

I know, right? Terrible. Probably a combination of the sci-fi thriller I was watching, the fact that I was watching it alone, and the residual side effects of the book I spent all afternoon reading. (The book, Haunted, pretty much gives away the entire feeling of the book in it's title. It's fucking scary as shit, and all about death.)

At any rate, I left the movie feeling pretty weird, and I'm thinking, damn, I'm gonna call my dad 'cause I know he'll make me feel better. Well, I'll be damned if I don't have that thought, and then get a voicemail from him a minute later.

So that was pretty weird.

Now, this next part's gonna need a little backstory. The first week I was here, I was walking to Sainsbury's with Billy, when this guy walks up to me asking for 90 pence to catch a busride home. I didn't give him the money, and immediately felt guilty, because - come on. It was 90 pence. I could have given him a pound and been fine. He didn't look homeless, he just looked sad. But I didn't give it to him.

Well, after I talked with my dad for a spell, up walks the same guy. Asking for 90 pence to catch a busride home. Just like the last time. I figured I'd redeem myself, and gave him a pound. He immediately went into this story about how his friend was supposed to pick him up, but then he couldn't, and the 90 pence guy didn't have any money for the bus because he bought a can of coke.

I just looked at him and said, you've asked me this before.

Get your shit together.

Moving on.

Did you know you can bring matches onto an airplane, but not your favorite organic toothpaste that's only made and sold in America?

Neither did I!

Moving on.

When I landed in Dublin, Ireland, I looked out of the window in the airplane and saw a rainbow. Not kidding. Hours after that, I saw a double-banded rainbow. The next day, in the Gravity Bar of the Guinness Factory, I see a fourth rainbow, this one stretching in a perfect arch across the city.

Moving on.

P. I. Staker

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